About Us

Victoria Guidi

At heart, I am a seeker, with a forever deep calling to explore the full range of the human soul. This has led to what feels like many lives lived -- bartender in NYC, special needs teacher in the Bronx, sailing instructor to kids in fishing communities in El Salvador, boatbuilding program director for youth in Philly, Ayurvedic health counselor, yoga teacher to both men and women in the prison system - and now yoga in a dojo. The thread through my life has been my seeing of the inherent good and potential in people and my own capacity to sit in the darkest of places and not give up.

With the death of my mother from cancer in 2014 and the surfacing of unworked trauma from my dad’s killing when I was 13, I entered into the biggest work of my life. Along with therapy, yoga, and medicine work, the Enneagram has been invaluable in my healing and my understanding of self and others. I received my professional certification via Chestnut-Paes Enneagram Academy in 2023.

And my cherry on top: I grew up making music and singing, and have returned to this creative act with full force. It is here that my soul fully expresses - and I’ve been deeply enjoying weaving it into medicine work and my yoga classes.

Bryce Widom

I offer to clients my relentless certainty that an intimate state of wholeness is available to us all. No matter our past traumas and choices, I know in my bones that continued healing, integration, and self-redemption is always possible. Always.

My 25+ year art career has allowed me many opportunities to listen to clients, to often see themselves more deeply in their wholeness than they themselves were capable, and to reflect this seeing back to them in the form of a painting. And now, the immediacy of working directly with clients - via this inner work - is nourishing and enlivening me in significant new ways.

This work weaves together a lifetime of searching for and cultivating my own value and self-understanding via paths that include an Alaskan childhood spent largely in introspection; majoring in psychology and writing in college; 30+ years as a psychonaut; a short while as a professional psychic; a decade of martial arts training; over a dozen years in qi gong and yoga; 15+ years of continual working with therapists on my own traumas and tribulations; decades of meditation and wilderness-time; and over two decades of study in the enneagram.

I’m grateful to be offering the fruits of my own continuing life-of-practice to others, in this very direct way.

The two of us

The work we offer is the work we know down in the roots of our own lives, both individually and as a couple, since first meeting years ago in the container of practice under master Hatha Yoga teacher, Sofia Diaz.

Big stuff - our own personal pain and locked-away traumas - surfaced soon into our relationship and for a good while it was a day-to-day “are we gonna make it” situation. But we were both committed to a few core teachings from Sofia:

“It’s not about muscling our way through. It’s about loving through it all. Shining through everything.”

“We come face to face with what we’re really up to - our closures, our indulgences - and we choose something radically different.”

Complementing our “relational yoga” has been a lot of solid therapeutic work - we’ve both been in ongoing personal therapy, and have also done much work inside the container of couple’s therapy.

Another huge part of our healing, opening, and becoming through these years has been our work with medicine. We intimately know - through a lot of time and experience - the power and nature of medicine, and we use it in a deeply respectful way. We also stay up-to-date on the latest scientific research and best practices in the field.

Riding alongside all this has been our thorough work in the Enneagram and the Meyers Briggs system (which is way more complex and elegant - and powerful - than most people realize!). They have helped us to understand our own deepest motivations and aspirations, our innate design and the unique path forward for each of us.

Lastly, we both know what it is to be with big emotions - to relax and open inside of them, to allow them to be in their full expression, to not indulge in or bypass or rationalize them. And ultimately, to shine through it all - with a courageously genuine heart, a brilliant and spacious mind, a grounded and vibrant body.

Contact us to take the next step forward in your journey.